Tuesday, March 4, 2014



a·be·rro·sex·ual·ism \ˈabərəoˈsɛksjʊəl izəm\


1. Anatomically and biologically aberrant or incorrect sexual behavioral choices, conduct or practices; sexual behavioral choices that deviate from what is anatomically and biologically natural, normal, or correct.

2. (Sociology) sexual behavioral choices, conduct or practices considered unacceptable, abnormal or incorrect.

3. (Medicine / Psychology) a generic term for psycho-sexual or personality disorders characterized by the practice or attachment to aberrant, unnatural, or incorrect sexual behavioral choices or conduct. Such as bisexualism, fetishism, homosexualism, lesbianism, necrophilism, sadomasochism, scopophilia, voyeurism, zoophilism, etc.

4. (Politics) (usually capital) an extremist ideology that advocates the legalization and social integration of sexual behavioral choices, conduct or practices that are anatomically and biologically aberrant or that deviate from what is natural, normal or correct; an ideology that is at war with traditional Western concepts of human sexuality, monogamous marriage and the family.

5. (Politics) (usually capital) an ideologically-driven political agenda considered extremist, pushed by highly organized and well-financed political pressure groups seeking legalization and social acceptance of anatomically and biologically incorrect, morally deviant, socially unaccepted, sexual behavioral choices, conduct or practices.

<> Synonyms: sodomy, homosexualism, sexual aberrancy, sexual perversion, sexual deviance

<> Antonyms: orthosexuality, sexual normality, (obsoleteheterosexuality)

<> Latin Root: aberrāre, aberrans-, present participle of aberre, going astray; deviating from the normal; behaving in an abnormal or untypical way; see aberration.

<> Examples of use:

1. According to the Center for Disease Control aberrosexualism is injurious to one’s health.

2. Aberrosexualism is universally frowned upon throughout the world.

3. Extremist groups seek to force society to accept aberrosexualism.

4. She is philosophically opposed to aberrosexualism.



Truth has never stood in the way of ideological fanatics, any more than reality has ever stood in the way of delusional psychotics.


Aberrosexualist groups receive millions of dollars annually from
wealthy aberrosexualist donors, corporate giants, and other sources.

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