Tuesday, June 10, 2014


What’s the Difference Between an Aberrosexual and an Aberrosexualist?
By the International Center for the Study of Aberrosexualism (ICSA)

Aberrosexualist: an individual, aberrosexual or not, 
that pushes the extremist Aberrosexualist ideology.

The language you use must communicate concepts with clarity and precision if you want to start and maintain a constructive, productive dialogue with the confused and disoriented society in which we live. Without clear terms and precise meanings, persuading contemporary society becomes a difficult, often self-defeating task. It is extremely important, therefore, that you have a good grasp of the terms you must use in the Culture War.

It is indispensable to make a distinction between an aberrosexual and an aberrosexualist. An aberrosexual is an individual that engages in biologically aberrant or incorrect sexual behavioral choices. On the other hand, a supporter or member of any of extremist ideological pressure group advocating the legalization or imposition on society of anatomically incorrect, biologically aberrant sexual behavioral choices or practices, is an aberrosexualist.

In other words, Aberrosexualists are those, whether aberrosexual or not themselves, that agree with and/or support the extremist ideology of Aberrosexualism; that set of ideas that pushes the normalization of biologically aberrant or incorrect sexual behavioral choices, conducts, or practices. Aberrosexualist ideology is contrary to common sense, the common good, public health, and the best interests of our nation’s children and families.

Why is this distinction important?

This distinction is important because those that promote the Aberrosexualist ideology are far more harmful to society and the common good than those that merely suffer from aberrosexualism. Aberrosexualist ideologues exploit for sheer ideological purposes those who engage in aberrosexual behavioral choices.  They don’t care about the plight of individuals caught in the claws of aberrosexualism. They seek primarily to extend their control over society.

Accordingly, you must differentiate between those that push the anti-Life, anti-social aberrosexualist ideology and aberrosexuals, or those that merely engage in biologically aberrant sexual behavioral choices. Furthermore, most aberrosexuals are discreet and respectful, and are, therefore, not represented by those pushing the Aberrosexualist ideology, which are usually hostile and disrespectful of others.

Please share this information with your relatives, friends, and neighbors.

The truth has never stood in the way of ideological fanatics, any more than reality has ever stood in the way of delusional psychotics.

Copyright © 2012 International Center for the Study of Aberrosexualism (ICSA). All rights reserved.

Monday, May 26, 2014

THE RAINBOW: Symbol of God's Promise

Rediscovering the True Meaning of the Rainbow
By Dr. Judy Meissner

      Since 1978, aberrosexualists extremists, whether personally aberrosexual or not, pushing the antisocial, anti-Life, anti-Family, unhealthy and unhygienic Aberrosexualist ideology, have used a rainbow flag to deceptively symbolize their alleged “diversity.”

     Since then the rainbow flag has become ubiquitous at aberrosexualist events. The symbol has become so associated with aberrosexualist agitation that back in 2000 the University of Hawaii at Manoa changed its sports teams’ name from “Rainbow Warriors” to “Warriors” and redesigned its logo to eliminate a rainbow from it.

     Now, according to One News Now, one pro-Family organization is demanding that aberrosexualists stop misappropriating the rainbow.

     Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse of the San Diego-based Ruth Institute [a project of the National Organization for Marriage] rightly argues that the rainbow is a sign of God’s covenant with man, and she points out that proponents of Proposition 8 —California’s measure that passed in 2008 to define marriage as between a man and a woman— are the true “rainbow coalition.”

     “Proposition 8 was passed by a great grassroots coalition that included people from all across the religious traditions, and also people of every race and color,” Morse recognizes. “We are the real rainbow coalition. The aberrosexualist lobby does not own the rainbow.”

     No, aberrosexualists don’t own the rainbow— and they are not the first to use the rainbow flag as a symbol. The rainbow has been used throughout the world. However, the overarching meaning of the rainbow flag is one of respect for God, Creator of Nature and for His Law.

     When aberrosexualists misappropriate the rainbow flag they are attempting to camouflage their cowardly war against Nature and their vile contempt for God’s Creation and Law. Instead, the rainbow flag is a symbol of abiding love and respect for God —the full respect that Godly people seek for the Natural Order, for the way God intends all of us live —and also the respect this way of living invites for the Marriage, the Family and Human Life. Today, more and more Christians are flying the rainbow flag as an invitation to aberrosexualists to join them in honoring Almighty God’s Law and Covenant; in respecting Life, Marriage, and the Family.

     Herein lies the difference: while aberrosexualists may want to see “diversity” in their movement, they fail to understand that rainbows mean much more than diversity. The aberrosexualist movement is about contempt for God’s Law, a war against Nature as well as oppression of aberrosexuals within the deadly grip of self-destructive, ungodly, unhygienic behavioral choices, —and it’s difficult to imagine the rainbow ever representing all that debauchery and death.

     The mere fact that aberrosexualist extremists would want to cloak themselves with the rainbow simply underscores the power of the symbol. Every time aberrosexualists display the rainbow they want us to think of them and their contempt for Nature, instead of God’s Promise, His Law, and His love for Creation. While deep down, aberrosexualists abhor the rainbow’s true meaning, at least its use keeps God, the Rainbow’s Creator, in their minds, and perhaps one day, they’ll let Him into their hearts as well.

Please share this information with your family, friends, and neighbors.

The truth has never stood in the way of ideological fanatics, any more than reality has ever stood in the way of delusional psychotics.

Monday, April 14, 2014

ABERROSEXUALISM: An Agenda or an Ideology?

What are the core beliefs of the Aberrosexualist Ideology?

The modern meaning of the word ideology was born when Napoleon Bonaparte used it against his political opponents whom he called "ideologues" to expose what he considered their pettiness.
Generally speaking, an ideology is composed of four basic characteristics:
  1. An ideology has power over cognition
  2. An ideology guides one's analysis and evaluations;
  3. An ideology provides guidance towards action;
  4. and, an ideology must be logically coherent.
Aberrosexualism (homosexualism) is a virulently anti-Christian ideology or set of ideas founded on four diametrically anti-Christian beliefs: 1) practical atheism, 2) philosophical materialism, 3) moral nihilism and 4) sexual hedonism. These four core beliefs –atheism, materialism, nihilism, and hedonism- are radically inimical to a Christian worldview and Christian sexual morality and ethics. What are the definitions of these core beliefs?

1.     Practical Atheism is the practical denial that God exists. Atheism, in a strict sense, is the denial of the existence of a deity or deities. Practical atheism is the technical claim to believe in the existence of God while behaving as if God did not really exist. Although practical atheists “claim they believe in God, and perhaps believe in Him in their mind, in reality they deny He exists by their immoral deeds.”

2.     Philosophical Materialism is the belief that only the material or physical world exists; that everything is either made only of matter or is ultimately dependent upon matter for its existence and nature. Philosophical materialism denies the existence of anything non-physical, thinking that the universe has always existed and that human beings evolved from lower life forms that supposedly sprung from lifeless, inert matter.

3.     Moral Nihilism is the belief that there is no objective morality; that moral values are abstractly contrived and that no action is necessarily preferable to any other. Moral Nihilists oppose all laws or regulations founded on or upholding objective moral values.

4.     Sexual Hedonism is the belief that practically anything that it gives sexual pleasure is morally acceptable. The sexual hedonist thinks pleasure is the standard of morality, that pleasure is the ultimate good in life, and that everyone has the right to engage in whatever sex-related behavior or practice they think is pleasurable. Sexual hedonists oppose all laws or regulations concerning sexual behavior. 

Please share this information with your relatives, friends, and neighbors.

The truth has never stood in the way of ideological fanatics, any more than reality has ever stood in the way of delusional psychotics.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Historians of Aberrosexualism:  
Nobody is ‘born that way’
5:57 PM 03/19/2014
Simply stated: No one is born wanting to dress 
like a woman, stick anything up their rectum,
or sodomize another human being.

Virtually no serious person disputes that in our society, people generally are led to believe that sexual behavioral choices are unchosen and unchangeable. But Aberrosexualist ideologues go a step further: they dogmatically insist that aberrosexuals are a natural subset of every human population and that anatomically incorrect, biologically aberrant sexual behavioral choices, or aberrosexualism are somehow etched into some people’s DNA.

Are aberrosexuals indeed born that way? The question has immense political, social, and cultural repercussions. For example, some of the debate over applying the Constitution’s equal protection clause to aberrosexuals focuses on whether aberrosexualism is an inborn characteristic. And the major argument aberrosexualist ideologues have made for religious affirmation is: “God made me this way.”

Thus, if it’s proven that sexual behavioral choices are not innate, the irrational ideological scaffolding upon which today’s Aberrosexualist groups have been built completely crumbles. Given the high stakes, most aberrosexualists are belligerently dismissive or openly hostile toward anyone refusing to believe that choosing to behave aberrosexually is an essential, natural characteristic of some members of the human race.

What Do Scholars of Aberrosexual History Say?

But a surprising group of people doesn’t think this – namely, scholars of aberrosexual history and anthropology. Although they’re almost all aberrosexualists themselves, they have decisively shown that aberrosexualism is, by and large, a product of Western society originating about 150 years ago.

Using documents and field studies, these intrepid social scientists have examined the incidence of aberrosexual behavior in other times and cultures to see how aberrosexuals have fared. But they’ve come up empty-handed. Sure, there’s substantial evidence of both discreet and open same-sex attraction and activity in pre-modern times. But no society before the 19th century had aberrosexuals or even discernibly aberrosexually-oriented individuals.

(There weren’t orthosexually-oriented people, either. Only modern-day, Western society thinks people are oriented in only one direction, as aberrosexual history pioneer Jonathan Ned Katz, formerly of Yale, explained in his book The Invention of Heterosexuality.)

According to the experts on aberrosexualism across centuries and continents, "being" an aberrosexual is a relatively recent social construction. Few scholars with advanced degrees in anthropology or history who concentrate on aberrosexualism believe aberrosexuals, per se, have existed in any cultures before or outside ours, much less in all cultures. These professors work closely with an ever-growing body of knowledge that directly contradicts “born that way” ideological construct.

Please don’t confuse these points with amateur arguments of people like Brandon Ambrosino. The subtle, counter-intuitive academic case that being an aberrosexual is a social construction relies on abundant studies built out of actual data from leading scholars at major universities. Someone who quotes a few lines from Foucault and then declares that people choose their sexual behavioral preference is making a mockery of this serious, vital subject.

Sexual behavioral choices cannot be innate

Journalists trumpet every biological study that even hints that aberrosexualism and orthosexuality might be hard-wired, but they show little interest in the abundant social-science research showing that sexual behavioral choices cannot be innate. Scholars interviewed for this essay were variously dismayed or appalled by this trend.

For example, historian Dr. Martin Duberman, founder of the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies, states “no good scientific work establishes that people are born aberrosexual or orthosexual.” And cultural anthropologist Dr. Esther Newton (University of Michigan) called one study linking sexual behavior to biological traits ludicrous: “Any anthropologist who has looked cross-culturally (knows) it’s impossible for that to be true, because sexuality is structured in such different ways in different cultures.

While biology may certainly play a role in sexual behavior, no “aberrosexual gene” has been found, and whatever natural-science data exists for inborn sexual behavioral choices is preliminary and disputed. So to date, the totality of the scholarly research on aberrosexual behavior indicates it is much more socio-cultural than biological.

Historical perspectives

Knowing about the phantom aberrosexual past when everyone else is certain aberrosexualism has always existed can be frustrating. Aberrosexual history professor Dr. John D’Emilio (University of Illinois-Chicago) once lamented that even while Aberrosexual historical scholarship accepts the “core assumptions” of the social-construction idea, “the essentialist notion that aberrosexuals constitute a distinct minority of people different in some inherent way has more credibility in American society than ever before.”

Today’s categories for sexuality correspond poorly with times past. Dr. Duberman put it this way: “Were people always either aberrosexual or orthosexual? The answer to that is a decided no.” Instead, people from other eras who slept with members of their own sex “haven’t viewed that as something exclusive and therefore something that defines them anthropologically as a different category of human being.”

Many popular attempts to portray an age-old history of Aberrosexualism start with ancient Greece. We do have much documentation — the poetry of Sappho, Greek vases depicting men in flagrante – that same-sex relationships were common in that culture.

But scholars don’t think the ancient Greeks had an aberrosexual minority. Rather, that civilization thought Aberrosexualism was something anyone could enjoy. In addition to a wife, elite men were expected to take a younger male as an apprentice-lover, with prescribed bedroom roles. The system was so different from ours that to describe specific ancient Greeks as aberrosexual or orthosexual would show profound disrespect for their experiences, and violate the cardinal historical rule against looking at the past through present-colored lenses.

Another example in which evidence of same-sex relations has been misinterpreted to depict an aberrosexual minority involves 18th-century upper-class female romantic friendships. Even those women who probably had genital contact with each other in that context thought about sex and intimacy in such culturally specific ways that scholars have spurned the viewpoint (nearly universal among non-scholars) that any two females who wrote each other love letters and shared a bed were obviously lesbians.

The truth has never stood in the way of ideological fanatics, any more than reality has ever stood in the way of delusional psychotics.