Monday, April 14, 2014

ABERROSEXUALISM: An Agenda or an Ideology?

What are the core beliefs of the Aberrosexualist Ideology?

The modern meaning of the word ideology was born when Napoleon Bonaparte used it against his political opponents whom he called "ideologues" to expose what he considered their pettiness.
Generally speaking, an ideology is composed of four basic characteristics:
  1. An ideology has power over cognition
  2. An ideology guides one's analysis and evaluations;
  3. An ideology provides guidance towards action;
  4. and, an ideology must be logically coherent.
Aberrosexualism (homosexualism) is a virulently anti-Christian ideology or set of ideas founded on four diametrically anti-Christian beliefs: 1) practical atheism, 2) philosophical materialism, 3) moral nihilism and 4) sexual hedonism. These four core beliefs –atheism, materialism, nihilism, and hedonism- are radically inimical to a Christian worldview and Christian sexual morality and ethics. What are the definitions of these core beliefs?

1.     Practical Atheism is the practical denial that God exists. Atheism, in a strict sense, is the denial of the existence of a deity or deities. Practical atheism is the technical claim to believe in the existence of God while behaving as if God did not really exist. Although practical atheists “claim they believe in God, and perhaps believe in Him in their mind, in reality they deny He exists by their immoral deeds.”

2.     Philosophical Materialism is the belief that only the material or physical world exists; that everything is either made only of matter or is ultimately dependent upon matter for its existence and nature. Philosophical materialism denies the existence of anything non-physical, thinking that the universe has always existed and that human beings evolved from lower life forms that supposedly sprung from lifeless, inert matter.

3.     Moral Nihilism is the belief that there is no objective morality; that moral values are abstractly contrived and that no action is necessarily preferable to any other. Moral Nihilists oppose all laws or regulations founded on or upholding objective moral values.

4.     Sexual Hedonism is the belief that practically anything that it gives sexual pleasure is morally acceptable. The sexual hedonist thinks pleasure is the standard of morality, that pleasure is the ultimate good in life, and that everyone has the right to engage in whatever sex-related behavior or practice they think is pleasurable. Sexual hedonists oppose all laws or regulations concerning sexual behavior. 

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The truth has never stood in the way of ideological fanatics, any more than reality has ever stood in the way of delusional psychotics.

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