Sunday, March 16, 2014


sexual orientation
sex·u·al  o·ri·en·ta·tion / sɛksjʊəl  ôr′ē-ĕn-tā′shən /


1.  (Political Newspeak) politically correct, biologically unverifiable, ideological propaganda term (i.e., term used to advance an ideology), used to deceptively give the impression that anatomically incorrect, biologically aberrant sexual behavioral choices, or aberrosexualism, is somehow genetic or immutable.

2. (Pseudo Psychology) non-medical, unscientific, ideological propaganda term (i.e., term used to advance an ideology) for one’s sexual attraction to, interest in or preference for sexual partners.

3. (Ideological) euphemism-of-choice used by aberrosexualists (partisans of the ideology that views anatomically incorrect, biologically aberrant sexual conduct as “normal,” “healthy,” and “sane”), for sexual behavioral choices, conduct or practices; term used to deceptively give people the impression that aberrosexualism, or anatomically incorrect, biologically aberrant sexual behavioral choices, is somehow genetic or immutable.

Some Examples

1. Jason has yet to decide on what his sexual orientation is.

2. Aberrosexualists want special “rights” based on one’s alleged sexual orientation.

3. Sexual orientation is an ideological propaganda term with no basis in medicine or science.

4. Extremists argue that people cannot change their sexual orientation.

BACKGROUND: How does the American Psychological Association (APA) define so-called “sexual orientation”? The APA informs in one of its publications that: “although much research has examined the [possibilities] on ‘sexual orientation,’ no findings have emerged that permit scientists to conclude that ‘sexual orientation’ is determined by any particular factor or factors. Many think that nature and nurture both play complex roles. . . .” [Answers to Your Questions for Better Understanding of Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality, American Psychological Association, 2008]

So-called “sexual orientation” is a politically-correct modern-day superstition. The well-settled consensus in the scientific community is that biologically aberrant sexual behavior, or aberrosexualism, is neither genetic nor hormonal in origin. Sexual behavior is an acquired behavioral preference or choice. There is NO scientific or medical evidence establishing that anyone is forced or condemned by Nature to behave aberrosexually, i.e., to engage in biologically aberrant, unhygienic, health injurious and medically harmful sexual practices. None!

“Truth, of course, must of necessity be stranger than fiction, for we have made fiction to suit ourselves.”G.K. Chesterton

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The truth has never stood in the way of ideological fanatics, any more than reality has ever stood in the way of delusional psychotics.

Friday, March 14, 2014



Aberrosexualist Ideological Propaganda Terms, or Newspeak, Undermine the Pro-Marriage Cause
By New Era Communications Corp., Social Communications Team

Nothing pleases more the enemies of the institution of Marriage, than hoodwinking those defending this institution into undermining it by adding adjectives that bastardize, distort, falsify and relativize it.

Anti-Marriage extremists, or aberrosexualists, understand well the impact of words on the battle’s outcome. They understand that control of words, controls thoughts. Control of thoughts, controls actions. Control of actions, controls the future. This three-fold formula by Italian Communist ideologue Antonio Gramsci is used today by aberrosexualist ideologues to force on society the macabre ideology that pushes the legalization of unhygienic, anatomically incorrect, biologically aberrant sexual behavioral choices.

Several decades ago, when aberrosexualist extremists began their totalitarian assault against traditional Western concepts of human sexuality, monogamous marriage and the family, they started off with the phrase "homosexual marriage." This phrase soon morphed into the ideological propaganda phrase “gay [sic] marriage.” It did not take long for them to develop, through extensive message testing and focus group research, a "new, improved" propaganda phrase: “marriage equality.”

Within months, aberrosexualist partisans throughout the country had substituted the phrase “gay marriage” for the new one: “marriage equality.” Pro-Marriage leaders, however, continue to naively use aberrosexualist ideological propaganda terms, or Newspeak, as well as fail to communicate that marriage comes in only one version: the true one.

Is it any wonder that pro-Marriage leaders across the nation are losing the battle? Is anyone really surprised that important sectors of the pro-Marriage camp are falling under the relentless aberrosexualist ideological propaganda bombardment?

Yet, in light of the legal and political defeats, and the alarming erosion of public support for the institution of Marriage, too many pro-Marriage leaders are in total denial of the immense damage they inflict to their cause by using enemy Newspeak. Incredibly, they refuse to acknowledge that use of enemy Newspeak is central to many of their defeats.

Many pro-Marriage leaders suicidally ignore the important role enemy Newspeak plays in controlling the thoughts that control the actions that ultimately determine the outcome of the war being waged for the heart, mind, and soul of America. Renowned Brazilian intellectual, Prof. Plinio Correa de Oliveira warned that this Newspeak, whether used by Communists of yesteryears or Aberrosexualists of today, invariably results in what he called “unperceived ideological transshipment,” or brainwashing, simply put.

By ignoring their enemy’s rhetorical firepower or Newspeak, pro-Marriage leaders are doomed to defeat before the battle even begins. All modern propaganda wars rely on the astute manipulation of language to rhetorically deceive, disarm, and ultimately destroy the enemy.

Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh understood this well when he said: “We lost the [marriage] issue when we started allowing the word ‘marriage’ to be bastardized and redefined.” Indeed, humanity is ill-served by bastardizing and redefining marriage with adjectives that relativize and trivialize the word. There is no such thing as “hetero marriage,” “gay marriage,” “traditional marriage,” “non-traditional marriage,” “opposite-sex marriage,” or “same-sex marriage.” Marriage is either true or it’s not!

Ideological falsifications of “marriage” undermine the institution’s purpose, corrupt its meaning, and violate its essence. Respect for the institution of Marriage, therefore, demands that no adjective be added to the noun. And should we ever need to distinguish true marriage from its impostors, let’s simply refer to it as true or real marriage. All other adjectives either distort its meaning or muddy the waters.


1. Gay means delightful, happy, joyful; not aberrosexual or same-sex. All marriages should be gay, but not aberrosexual or same-sex. Marriage requires a husband and a wife. Two men can’t get “married” any more than they can get a hysterectomy. Two women can’t get “married” any more than they can get a prostatectomy.

2. Aberrosexualist extremists, those forcing society to accept biologically aberrant sexual behavioral choices, are not really interested in marriage. Through the flagrant judicial violation of constitutional equal protection, due process and voting rights, aberrosexualists seek to undemocratically force society to accept biologically aberrant sexual behavioral choices, or aberrosexualism, as “normal,” “healthy,” and “sane.”

3. Marriage is either TRUE or FAKE.. There’s really no such thing as “gay [sic] marriage,” “traditional marriage,” “non-traditional marriage,” “opposite-sex marriage,” or “same-sex marriage.’’ Same-sex so-called "marriage" is an ideologically-contrived legal fiction that violates true marriage’s purpose, corrupts true marriage’s meaning, and disrespects true marriage’s essence. Respect for Marriage demands that no adjectives be added to the name.

4. Since the dawn of civilization, the marital embrace, or sexual intercourse, i.e., the penetration of opposite sexual organs*, is required to legally consummate a marriage. Because it’s biologically impossible for two same-sex individuals to have sexual intercourse, or maritally embrace, the ideologically-contrived legal fraud (a fraud created to impose an ideology), of same-sex so-called “marriage” is just that, a fraud and a hoax!

5. In plain English, discrimination means treating unequally those who are equal. In America, marriage license applications never ask anyone’s sexual behavioral choices or preferences. Full marriage equality is a reality in all 50 states as all Americans enjoy the same equal right to marry under the same equal rules and conditions. Can anyone sanely say two men or two women equal one man and one woman? Treating two men or two women differently from one man and one woman can never be discrimination.

6. The institution of Marriage is a matter of public policy, not constitutional law. No U.S. Supreme Court holding, precedent or authority exists to strike down a state’s constitutional or statutory respect for the institution of Marriage as the union of one man and one woman. None! Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito states in United States v. Windsor (12-307), (2013): “same-sex marriage presents a highly emotional and important question of public policy – but not a difficult question of constitutional law.”

7. There is absolutely no constitutional right to same-sex so-called “marriage”. In United States v. Windsor, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito wrote: “The Constitution does not guarantee the right to enter into a same-sex marriage. Indeed, no provision of the Constitution speaks to the issue.” 

* Those that engage in anatomically incorrect, biologically aberrant sexual behavioral choices may argue that penile penetration of another man’s rectum somehow constitutes sexual intercourse. The rectum, however, is not a sexual organ. The rectum is a gastrointestinal organ. Sexual intercourse requires the penetration of opposite sexual organs, not the penetration of the rectum or any other non-sexual organ, object or thing.

Please share this with your relatives, friends, and neighbors.

The truth has never stood in the way of ideological fanatics, any more than reality has ever stood in the way of delusional psychotics.

© 2014 New Era Communications, Inc.


Tuesday, March 11, 2014



Aberrosexualist Zealots Are Forcing Their Macabre Ideology on Society Through Bullying, Intimidation and Threats of Violence.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

STOP the Slurs, the Discrimination and Hate!

Can the Hate-Loaded “Homophobe” Slur Ever Be Tolerated?

By Dr. Judy Meissner 

Unlike aberrosexualism, or anatomically incorrect, biologically aberrant sexual behavioral choices''homophobia'' has never been recognized as a mental disorder in the psychological profession’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Rather, “homophobia” is a disrespectful, non-scientific, non-medical term astutely invented to attack and incite violence against everyone who disagrees with anatomically incorrect, biologically aberrant or morally deviant sexual behavioral choices, or aberrosexualism.

Yes, “homophobe” is a hate-loaded slur used by bigots to discriminate, hurt, stigmatize, and offend everyone who expresses disagreement with the hateful Aberrosexualist ideology and its macabre social and political agenda. This slur is as despicable as any other ethnic, racial or sexist slur. It has no place in civil, respectable public discourse and it should be understood that is never acceptable. Never!

Use of the disrespectful “homophobe” slur to denigrate the universal rejection of biologically aberrant sexual behavioral choices, or aberrosexualism, is a unjustified verbal act of aggression against humanity and violates our basic right to have language used in a truthful, respectful and depoliticized manner.

''Homophobia'' does not mean an “irrational fear of” or “discrimination against” aberrosexuals or those who engage in biologically aberrant sexual behavioral choices. "Homo" means MAN, not "homosexual" or "homosexualism," and "phobia" means "irrational or pathological fear of", not "discrimination against" anything. If anything, “homophobia” is the irrational or pathological fear of other human beings, not the sane and rational rejection of aberrant sexual behavioral choices or the sane and rational disagreement with the Aberrosexualist ideology. 

Desensitizing Bigotry and Hate

It's easy for those desensitized by bigotry to shrug off the “homophobe” slur as just another word, and dismiss everyone who gets upset over it as being “too sensitive.” Interestingly, few would make the same argument with the N-word. That's because we recognize what a loaded term it is, bound up in centuries of painful history of discrimination and violence.

Using a slur hurled by extremists seeking to force society to accept as “normal" biologically aberrant sexual behavioral choices and making disrespectful comments against everyone who disagrees with them isn't any different. Both are the kind of thing that tells us more about the individual using the slur than the people they utter them about. It makes them look like a bigot; it makes them look ignorant.

One of the things that unite bigots, racists and, of course, Aberrosexualist extremists, is their inability to perceive of other human beings as equals deserving the same civility and respect they'd want for themselves. They also forget that slurs, insults and offences are the arguments of those that have no arguments. Perhaps that’s why aberrosexualist hatemongerers invariably resort to slurs, insults and offences against everyone who disagrees with them. In the end, they must recognize that those who demand respect one must first extend it to others.

The Consequences of Inciting Violence with the “homophobe” Slur

The truth is that everyone assaulted or murdered by an Aberrosexualist fanatic is a victim of continued abuse of this ugly, hate-loaded slur. The next person assaulted or murdered because of their alleged or perceived “homophobia,” their blood trial will lead directly to those who recklessly use the “homophobe” slur.

They will be held accountable for creating the climate of hate, bigotry and intolerance that feeds this aggression and violence. We must put an end to this condemnable climate before others get hurt or worse, killed, as happened to Mary Stachowicz, a 51-year-old Polish language translator, whose lifeless body was found in a crawl space beneath her murderer’s Chicago apartment. Mary was murdered by an aberrosexual neighbor who considered her a “homophobe,” and therefore felt justified in killing her.

What about Aberrosexualism (homosexualism)? Is it a mental disorder? Yes, it was always recognized as mental disorder in the DSM until it was deviously suppressed in December of 1973 as a result of Aberrosexualist intimidation and threats of violence. Aberrosexualism was never suppresed from the DSM as the result of clinical studies, scientific findings, or medical research.* Yet ironically, Aberrosexualist extremists go berserk whenever anyone points out or even implies that aberrosexualism is a psycho-sexual mental disorder.

Let's be very clear, “homophobe” and "homophobia" are ugly, hate-loaded slurs used to unjustly discriminate, ridicule and incite violence and hate. They are never acceptable. Civility demands they be stamped out.

SOURCE<< On December 14, 1973 the Board of Trustees of the American Psychiatric Association, meeting in Washington, D.C., eliminated homosexualism from the official Diagnostic and Statistical Manual without presenting substantive evidence for such a drastic revision of basic concepts of healthy vs. unhealthy sexual development. >>

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Truth has never stood in the way of ideological fanatics, any more than reality has ever stood in the way of delusional psychotics.
